
Thursday, 7 July 2011

road rage!

When I was out cycling today I noticed a hell of a lot of road rage with motorists being fairly impatient it seems that people are always in a rush and have no respect for others on the road. One trailer overtook me and oh so very nearly got hit by an oncoming car. surely its not worth risking your life to speed up and overtake a cyclist. I do get some funny looks sometimes as their are not many women cyclists and I am dressed head to toe in pink lol. 

Well I had a fairly good ride did about 40 miles, and I did a hilly route up to mortenhamsptead and then through Bovey. I think the spinning class has really helped my stamina and from going out more and fueling up beforehand. I had my favorite bowl of oatmeal with chopped banana, yogurt, and natural freedom sweetener

On the ride had a nakd apple pie bar and some raisins. Need to find some bars that aren't so dry and are easy to swallow on the ride and also non sticky, don't ask for much do I!!

My dad also came with me to pick up two suitcases of mine from keyberry road. I met with one of the staff this morning for a mini ride and coffee and had a chat about how they can support me. he feels sad for me that I am leaving but I think it will be for the best I need to taper down the support and learn to live independently whilst still preparing for uni. I am considering looking for a full time job it will give me chance to meet people and hopefully will be able to transfer to the bournemouth one I quite fancy bar job I would have liked to do some care based work but I will need a CRB and by the time I get that I will be starting uni. 

Oh I also had this for dinner:

The chickpea stew with cous-cous that I made the other day with some tamari marinated tofu by clearspring and some broccoli and cauliflower. First time I have had tofu in a long while, I am trying to eat more veggie based food other than fish all the time its also loaded with calcium which is much needed for helping with the osteoporosis. 

Tomorrow I am going to the gym, going to try running on the treadmill again really enjoyed it, then have doctors appt and a dinner date with a friend  with a cocktail involved!