
Friday, 8 July 2011

The pill

So I saw my GP today and spoke to her about my concerns of fertility and bone damage and she suggested that if I wanted to I could go on the contraceptive pill which releases hormones and may give me a period at the end of the cycle you take the pill for 21 days. Also with releasing hormones it will hopefully help with my osteoporosis.I can't remember the last time I had a period. The only thing that concerns me is the weight gain side of it but I guess it is just one side effect and I may not get it. 

Other news I am managing to not count calories as in right them down on my spread sheet I am still aware of what I am eating and tbh it is so ingrained in me I no longer need to even look at the packets of stuff as I know too much even the fat and carb levels -ugh not good. some days I will check it before I go bed if I am feeling wobbley about what I have eaten but I sort of look at my meals more in nutrition terms ie needing some protein, carbs, minerals, vitamins and yes fat too that one I still struggle with. Though this evening I went out for dinner with a friend and had a huge veggie stir fry with cashew nuts their was like loads of rice like a mini igloo lol and I ate it all up and it was really nice. 

This morning I went to the gym and did a 5k on the treadmill managed to do it in just under 30 minutes and put the speed up towards the end lol as I wanted to get it to under 30 minutes. I am still a bit scared to run on the road not because I don't think I can do it but because of people seeing me. Everyone in my village knows I have an ed and its quite a busy body village and worried that people will be like oh she's losing weight again running! which isn't the case exercise has immensely helped my ed. it doesn't bother me when im cycling as I am in a helmet and can sort of hide. hoping i will build up the courage soon I also don;t like men beeping at me and this happens even when I am walking as its a fairly main road. 

anyway tomorrow I will be going out with some friends from college which will be fun I hope bit nervous about it but I am sure after a few drinks I will talk like its no tomorrow lol