
Friday, 5 August 2011

london trip!

So, I have been away for a few days to the wonderful city of LONDON, it was a fab trip away and so what I needed for my birthday. Their was lots of eating, we got to try many different places,a nd also saw Legally blonde, which was ace so so good. Visited camden. anyway here is a quick run down:

Monday-got the train up. dropped cases of at the travel lodge that we stayed in, and grabbed some lunch at itsu which offers healthy food on the go, and was pleasantly surpised to see they had tofu on the menu so chose their super healthy veggie rice bowl with tofu which had brown rice and loads of vegetables in it. After a late lunch we went to covent garden, had a nice browse around the shops where I found this cute cupcake shop where they happened to do mini cupcakes!! which I treated myself too

we also visited m and m world apparently the biggest one in europe! I also had some frozen yogurt!!

The evening was spent drinking cocktails at a place in camden that happened to offer 241 cocktails on their mojitios I of course got very drunk but was a fab night! and even had the bar man ask for me to come back and where I lived lol. 

Tuesday- had brekkie in covent garden and I had greek yogurt with granola and honey. it was really really nice and made me think that I may try and vary my breakfasts up as the greek yogurt was so good. We then spent most of the pre morning wondering around camden market where I bought 3 dresses which when I tried them on at home realised how short they were! oops I will still wear them with leggins, but I do feel self conscious in wearing short things because of my screwed up body image:( lunch was spent at a place called dim sum resturant, where I tried some dim sum's and had a tofu stir fry with some buckwheat noodles. The evening was at legally blonde!

wednesday- This was a shopping day, which also happened to be the most hot day, it was boiling hot apparently hotter than india! I did buy a pair of shorts but I am not a major clothes shop person. tbh I do find it quite difficult eating disorder wise and by this day my body image was starting to get difficult found myself comparing myself to lots of people which wasn't good:( however this was my favourite day food wise and we went to yo sushi an also had the best ever cocktails! ate so much sushi but hey it was good and we don't get to visit their every day. However in the evening we weren't very lucky with finding a 241 cocktail bar its far too expensive to buy them full price like £8 for one drink!!! 

oh we did go to a place called the ice bar london which is a bar made completely of ice!! the only one in london. I am not going to lie it was very COLD but also a fab place to go and experience. 

Thursday- Harrods!! of course no visit to london is complete without a visit to the biggest department store ever. Where I had ice cream yes icecream:) I had a caramel one but I was super jealous of my friends sundae but I did nick her brownies as she didn't like the nuts in them!!

Well I am now home had work today, which was okay. I did have a lovely time away with my best friend, but is also nice to be back and sleep in my own bed and have access to all my home comforts. I was also seriously lacking in the fruit department and my skin looks awful think from the pollution too. So going to stock up on some fruit in asda tomorrow. I did have a graze box to await me too which was nice! started getting them again.

 I have managed to put some weight on when I was in London it what was I wanted to do but am now struggling with my body image I am at the highest weight I have been at for a very long while and I guess its taking me getting used too. I am keeping my goals of uni and getting my body healthy to keep me going.