
Friday, 24 June 2011

I feel somewhat lost

i am sitting here and wondering what to do. for the last 9 months every spare moment has been taking up by my college course and now its over and I no longer have that to occupy me. I am a bit scared of the old thought process coming back as college gave me a purpose. I would love to work but I will end up losing more money as my housing costs would be too much as live in supported housing. I have tried to sort out some voluntary work but they all want crb forms. I think I may go and visit some family in milton keynes. Will probably go out cycling too, but sometimes it does feel lonely to go out on my own. I have lost many friends to the ed, and although I am starting to make new ones and get my life on track it is still a long process. I do have one amazing friend and she knows who she is, and has been around in the very worst of my illness days.

today i will visit my mum for lunch and maybe message a few people and try and arrange to meet up.

yesterday i had a really great cycle ride, did 45 miles in 3 hrs, and got talking to this friendly chap on the road which was nice i was very flattered when he asked if i was a triathlete lol. and i did my usual thursday night drinking which was okay but realised that men are far too complicated , i thougt from doing psychology i could work out people behaviour but with men it feels far too complicated