
Thursday, 28 April 2011

Psychology essay!

Well today has been a good day all in all. Actually really good!!
This morning I had my psychology essay back and got all distinctions, I have manage dto achieve distinctions right from the start. But today I was extra pleased and dare I say it proud of myself. Firstly the comments that my tutor wrote were just lovely, I am going to share them too

"An incredible thorough and well researched essay. You have provided an extensive range of sources to provide evidence and commentary of the therapies covered. It was a please to read such a lovely essay."

All my hard work is paying of I spend hours on my essays getting the best research, trawling the web for journals . Another reason im proud is a few friends have asked ME to look over their essays lol yes little old me, and I have been doing so and giving them ideas on what to change around etc and she was getting passes and today she got distinctions and she was so pleased. of course it wasnt just me as i said she has put the effort in it was a good esssay but just needed tweaking which I was more than happy to do. I do now realise that I am "good" at psychology I really get it I have had always an elaborative mind at school I was always better at the humanties side of subjects like history, geography and english etc maths and english i also struggled with, and I am now accepting that I cant be good at everything and biology is not my strong subject i do manage to get merits but psychology is my specalist subject lol.

After college I went to pick my bike up then went on an hour and a half ride. tomorrow Im going to go on a long ride have been building up my fitness slowly. did 22 miles today, I am giving myself credit for how my cycling is improving and havent lost as much fitness as I had thought. trying to get my average speed up too. I have one of those garmins but kidn of forgotten how to use the features so need to do some research on it.

when I came back had my cpn appt which was good. i feel she really gets it, i do have more to write on it but will save that for another time.

oh and tonight I went to my local for a drink and a meal. they dont have a very good veggie option or things i feel okay eating all have mostly cheese so just had a jacket potato with beans. small steps:) I did have a vodka and diet coke and tia maria and diet coke. was nice to meet my friend. we both met in supported housing, and have become good friends. he told me for the first time what his diagnosis was (paranoid schizophrenic) I was actually shocked as thought he just had anxiety as know he has mentioned that he never went out. apperently its something you can grow out of it. I know a bit about it from psychology and too much or too little dopamine and he is gradually coming of his medication. alot of mental illness are hidden even eating disorders, as its only when your very ill that people notice and its not like some other illnesses that you can see on the outside alot of it is in your head .

my plan for tomorrow is an early bike ride as will be so quiet with everyone celebrating the wedding perfect time for a cycle ride;)