
Thursday, 5 May 2011

project and EDA assesement

My psychology project is finally handed in! thankgoodness althought it is a draft and when we get it back I get another month to improe on it.

I have done a few days meal plans with a support worker and that has been helping.

This past few days have been a bit hit and miss, some good and some not so good days. guess you can't win them all. Although today I did have my hair done and it looks nice and shiny. Love my hair dresser well we are more like friends now occasionaly go out for coffee and dinner, oh and Bristol shopping. we always talk about mental health problems her family have suffered with them too and he cousin also has anorexia. she offers me so much advice is a really good person as she will speak very honestly to me which I like.

tomorrow I have an appt at with someone from the EDA association. quite nervous but in someway looking forward to it. I realised its the first time in well forever that I actually want some proper help to work with the ed services unlike many of my previous ip admissions where  i have had no choice. Im just sick of the negative thoughts dominating my head all the time, and want some skills to take with me for when I go to UNI!!

then in the evening time I am going out in to town for a few drinks with a friend. I haven't been out properly in like 5 years. I am feeling a bit nervous though, sure it will be okay.